Welcome from Colin
It is my privilege as principal to lead this happy, vibrant and rapidly growing school community. I would like to invite you to explore our website and hope you will get an insight into the culture of Stepaside ETSS and the wide range of opportunities and broad education on offer in the school. Never before have the principles of independent and technology-mediated learning been so valued. These are the cornerstones of learning in Stepaside ETSS along with the principles of Kindness and Respect.
Education at Stepaside ETSS is about equality, inclusion, creativity and developing and nurturing good relationships between all stakeholders. This is done in a climate of collaboration, creativity and fun. Our school embraces a 21st Century Learning & Teaching approach, designed with the learning process in mind. We believe that how we learn is as important as what we learn and learners are encouraged to be the best form of themselves that they can be and to strive for academic excellence.
Our highly qualified and dedicated staff are committed to providing an education where our students are encouraged to be curious, open-minded, prepared to take risks and to speak out against injustice wherever they see it. Student Voice is valued in all aspects of the school and students are encouraged to take an active role in school and community life. Throughout the school Restorative Practice is used as an integral way of resolving conflict and preventing harm. This has many benefits, including increased attendance, a happier place to learn and improved achievement.
We are committed to our students and their individual growth and development through empowering them by giving them the skills to achieve personal excellence. Our students thrive knowing that they are receiving an equality-based education provided in a democratic setting. We encourage them to be mindful that Kindness and Respect are not acts, but habits that we repeatedly do so that we may become the best form of ourselves.
Over the last few years, our school underwent Subject Inspections by the Inspectorate of the DES in several subjects. I am proud to say that their reports affirmed the great practice that is evident daily in our school, with several citations for best practice throughout both reports. I encourage you to take a look for yourself - Inspection Reports.