Life in Secondary School

Similarities and differences between life in Primary School and in Secondary School

Key People in Secondary School


Moving from primary school to secondary school involves many different changes. You have normally spent most of your day with one teacher at primary school and now there are a lot more people to get to know. Everyone at SETSS is here to support you.

Who are these people and how can they help you?


How they can help


They are in charge of running the school. The principal of SETSS is Barbara and the deputy principal is called Colin. They are very friendly and will always be ready to help you if needed.

Class Tutor

A tutor looks after your class. They will teach you Ethical Education and will join all of our assemblies and some class trips. You will get to know them well during your Induction week, when you begin school at the end of August. The tutors for 1st Year are : Aoife, Clare, Naomi, Claire and Pablo.

Year Head

The year head will look after the entire year. You can go to them with a problem and they will help you. The Year Head for 1st Year is Catherine and she will always be there to help and find a solution to any problems you may have.


Each subject teacher will help you with that subject. Some of the subjects you will learn will be the same as those you were taught in primary school : Irish, English, Maths, History, Geography, Science and some of the subjects will be new : Spanish, French, Home Economics, Business and many more. They will make sure you can understand the content of the class and will make the class engaging and student centred.

Guidance Counsellor

They will teach you about lots of career prospects and college, but they are also there to help if you have any other problems. You may talk to them one on one about problems that are bothering you outside of school. Our guidance counsellor is Alice.

SNA (Special Needs Assistant)

They are in the class to help students with their everyday tasks. Sometimes you might want to ask them a question if you did not fully understand something.

SEN staff (Special Education Needs)

Sometimes you might be lucky enough to have two teachers in the classroom. Again, if you are not sure about something you can ask them for help too.

Buddy /Mentor

This is a student from 2nd Year of from 4th Year who will help you in first year. They will tell you what you really need to know. The 'buddies' will be there on your first day of school to give you a tour of the school. They will also take part in all of the fun activities you will do during your Induction week, your first week of secondary school. The 'buddies' will also be there to help you before school starts at 8.30am in the morning and during break times, if you need someone to talk to.

Prefects/Student Council

They are students in the school who represent the student body. They help ensure there is a 'student voice' in everything we do at SETSS. It will be possible for you to represent your class in the Student Council next year. Our SETSS captains from 6th Year are called Mallaidh and Alannah. They will come to talk to you about life in SETSS throughout the year.


The secretary works in the school office. Her name is Rachel and she is very helpful. She will ring your parents if it is necessary. She will help you with forms that may need to be filled in.


Our caretaker is Rodger. He will help you if you have any problem with your bike or if you cannot find a room in the school.

My Timetable

This is the timetable of a 1st Year student from the last academic year, 2020/2021. Your timetable will look similar to this. During the summer months, you and a member of your family should pretend to pack your bag for a different day of the week, so you can get used to getting organised! You will be a pro by the end of the summer!

Your timetable will always tell you;

  • Exactly what time each of your classes starts at
  • Exactly where you should be for each class

Look at the video about the timetable from Daksh & Shreyas in the 'Daily Life' section to find out more about what time the classes start at and when the breaks are - get your friends to quiz you, using this timetable.

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My New Subjects

These are some of the new subjects you will learn next year - you will find out about all of the subjects during your Induction week during the first week of term.

Subjects D.PNG

Subjects C.PNG

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an absolutely fantastic day of team building activities for third year students. A huge thank you to Go Beyond Adventures for coming out to our school
Ballyogan Road, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 VEA0.
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